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    "A Kiss From A Rose" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Seal

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "A Kiss From A Rose" by Seal? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "A Kiss From A Rose" Lyrics

    To me you're like a bone a dictionary ca
    I've been kissed by a nose on the brain.
    ...kiss from a rose on the grey
    My eyes become Elijah. The light that yo
    To me you're like I wrote a dictionary i
    Won't you tell me as I have your baby?
    To me you're like a bowling dictionary I
    Kissed by the nose on your face
    I've been kissed by a rose on the brain
    I've been kissed on the nose by a flid..
    The more I get of you, A strange odor fi
    I can fade out with a hiss from the blow
    Did you know that when it snows my eyes
    But did you know, That when it snows, My
    "To me you're like a porn addiction that
    I compare you to a kiss from a rose on a
    I've been dipped on the nose by the grav
    I've been kissed by a rose on the grave.
    To me you're like a Roman Dictionary can
    I've been kissed by a rose on the grave.
    Oh brady brady how was i supposed to kno
    i compare you to a kiss for a rose off t
    to me you looking in a dictionary while
    I've been kissed by a rose on the grave
    There used to be a great big towel I lef
    a kiss from a rose on the grave
    I've been kissed on the nose by a gay
    ive been kissed on the nose by a gay
    My father ate half of my face.
    To me you're like a growing dictionary I
    To me you're like a grown-up dictionary
    my eyes become alive
    I compare you to a kiss from a rose on t
    Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose
    Kicked by the rose in the face
    Your love is like a golden dictionary I
    I've been kissed by a rose on the grave
    To me you're like a Grolier's Dictionary
    ...To me you like a roller dictionary ca
    Kiss from a rose on the brain
    I've been kissed by a ho in the rain.
    Kissed by a rose on the prarie
    To me you're like a grown up dictionary
    Kiss from a roman again.
    Baby I would bare you to a kiss from a
    It seems your like a old dictionary that
    and now that your rose is in bloom a bri
    I've been kissed by a rose on the brain.
    To me you're like a Rolodex I can't seem
    Baby, to me you're like a bowl of chicke
    Hit on the nose by a train
    Baby, to me you're like a rolling dictio
    Kiss from a rose on the grave
    Well you know a very rubber dictionary c
    To me you're like a word a dictionary ca
    a kiss from a rose on the grave...
    To me, you're like a groin addiction tha

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