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    "Wasn't Me" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Shaggy

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Wasn't Me" by Shaggy? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Wasn't Me" Lyrics

    Picture this we were both butt naked ba
    All this time she was standing there, sh
    Banging on the bathroom door
    picture this us butt naked banging on th
    Mummy came in and she caught me red hand
    'how could I forget I had given her an S
    You better watch your back before she tu
    How could I forget that I had given her
    But my boyfriend says that it is "Pictur
    she saw the sharks on my chopper heard t
    How could I forget that I had given her
    How could I forget that I had given her
    We were both stark naked hanging on the
    You may think that you're a playmate, bu
    Hanging on the bathroom door
    picture this we were both butt naked ban
    She said that dinner was over
    How could i forget that i had given her
    How could I forget that i had given her
    Now to be a true player you got to know
    Picture this we were both butt naked ly
    How could I forget I had given her an s.
    How could I forget that I had given her
    How could I forget that I had given her
    She said I did it once over

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