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    "Bootylicious" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Destiny's Child

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Bootylicious" by Destiny's Child? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Bootylicious" Lyrics

    Are ya ready to do it on this jetty?
    I don't think your ready, for spagehtti,
    I don't think you're ready. I'm just sm
    I don't think your ready, bump this jell
    On the boat, sprint the car Ladies town
    I don't think you're ready! F**k this je
    Spider-Man Fell the flames!
    I don't think you're ready for fish jell
    "i dont think you're ready, mushroom jer
    I don't think you're ready for my spaghe
    I dont think your ready for this yet'y..
    Now lets cut a rug while we slip onto ou
    my body's ur booby licking baby
    The club is full of ballas and their poc
    I don't think you're ready for Dest-iny
    I don't think you're ready for this jett
    I don't think you Ready for spaghetti I
    I don't think you're ready for this bell
    I don't think you're ready, f*** my dadd
    Bamboo, In your eyes
    DJ Gemini Spiderman a tender thang
    "I dont think your ready for spaghetti"
    i will kick your head in!
    Read my lips carefully if you like it ju
    Kelly, can you handle this? Michelle, ca
    I don't think you're ready to pop this c
    Lookin hot, smelling good groovin like f
    i dont think your ready to pop this cher
    I don't think you ready for spaghetti
    you gotta work your jetlag
    At first we started our recruit.
    Fattest pick, Picked my eyes, DJ, Jammin
    bad ass chick chick in sight dj gemini
    I dont think your ready for speghetti
    Better move, They've arrived, Lookin' se
    I dont think your ready f**k this jelly
    Now let's cuddle up while we cut some ja
    I don't think your ready for my belly
    I don't think you're ready for this jell
    i don't think you're ready for des-teh-n
    Man boobs, we've arrived
    ...and runny s**t splatters.
    I don't think your ready for this jedi
    I don't think you ready for fish jelly

    Other Songs by Destiny's Child

    Bills, Bills, Bills
    Born To Be Wild
    Independent Women
    Independent Women Part 1
    Jumpin' Jumpin'
    Lose My Breath
    Nasty Girl
    Say My Name

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