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    "Crawling" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Linkin Park

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Crawling" by Linkin Park? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Crawling" Lyrics

    These worms they will not eat us
    Beer is how I cope, consuming what is ve
    Crying in my sleep These wounds they wil
    Crawling in my sin these wounds they wil
    Crawling in my ***t
    Discomfort, in the sea has pulled Itself
    These wound they finding Nemo
    Confusing what is wheel
    I donned a sense condensed, I'm convince
    Crawling in my skin. I really want a Bur
    crawling in my skin, that worm looks lik
    Beer is how i fall.
    crawling in my spit these words they wil
    crawling in my fin these worms they will
    crawling in my s**t
    crawling in my skin these words they wil
    these worms they will not eat me
    these rooms, made by mario
    Crawling in my skin, These turds I canno
    The corporation blew Saddam But I know w
    these worms will not eat us
    these worms they will not eat us
    crawling in my skin these wounds they wi
    These wheels are in my ears
    Goddesses of incompetence
    Crawling back my skin Although they will
    the music world is real
    this comfort seat has pulled my ass bene
    These Words They Will Not End
    Confusing world is real.
    I felt this way before, so instinct show
    These words do not appeal
    These words do not appeal
    The music world is real
    Crawling in my skin, These worms, they w
    confusing wall is real
    without a sense of confidence and Uncle
    Trolling in my skin
    Beer is now iPhone

    Other Songs by Linkin Park

    Bleed It Out
    Breaking the Habit
    Castle of Glass
    Don't Stay
    From The Inside
    Give It Away
    good goobye
    High Voltage
    Hit the Floor
    In Pieces
    In the End
    Lost In The Echo
    Lying From You
    New Divide
    No More Sorrow
    No Roads Left
    Nobody's Listening
    One Step Closer
    Points of Authority
    Pushing Me Away
    Shadow of the Day
    Somewhere I Belong
    The Little Things Give you Away.
    Until It Breaks
    Valentine's Day
    What I've Done
    With You
    Wretches and Kings

    Funniest Misheards by Linkin Park