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    Song: Eve

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    "Complicated" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Avril Lavigne

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Complicated" Lyrics

    I never wanna pie your fake ass
    Promise me im never gonna find you naked
    Take off all your crappy clothes
    you're never gonna find your blanket
    And promise me I'm never gonna find your
    Honestly now promise me you're Never gon
    Promise me I'm never gonna find your fa
    Why'd you have to go make things so cons
    im never going 2 find u naked
    Chill out, watch the allagor
    Promise me I'm never gonna find you vega
    Honestly, you promised me i'm never gonn
    Promise me, promise me, I'm never gonna
    and promise me i'm never gonna find your
    Honestly it's killing me you're never go
    Interestingly enough I keep hearing it d
    "never gonna fry your bacon"
    Whyd you have to go and make me so const
    Promise me you're never gonna find your
    Chillis out, the with's a f**king whore
    Take off all the crappy clothes
    You're never gonna find your blankie
    Why you have to make things somewhat com
    And you take what you get and you turn i
    Honestly, don't fall asleep, I'm never g
    Chill out watch channel four
    You promised me I'm never gonna find you
    Why do you have to go and make things so
    Chill out, watch it, Al Gore.
    Honestly, you promised me I'm never gonn

    Other Songs by Avril Lavigne

    Chop Suey (Cover)
    Don't tell me
    Fall To Pieces
    Here's To Never Growing Up
    How Does It Feel
    I'm With You
    Knockin' On Heaven's Door
    Losing Grip
    My Happy Ending
    My World
    Nobody's Home
    Sk8er Boi
    The Best Damn Thing
    Things I'll Never Say
    Too Much To Ask
    Touch the Sky
    What The Hell

    Funniest Misheards by Avril Lavigne