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    "Brick House" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Commodores

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Brick House" by Commodores? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Brick House" Lyrics

    She's a girl scout
    She's a brick house, she' my tomato, jus
    She's a prick! Ow!
    chicka bow, chicka bow, chicka bow wow,
    I see your breast, owww!!
    Built like a yakimazon
    she's a b**** ow
    Suck a cow, suck a cow, suck a cow now
    Take that b***h out
    She's got a fat mouth
    shake a cow, shake a cow now
    Built like a mastodon.
    Sure 'nough to knock your scrotum into h
    Dirty sex, twenty-four, dirty sex, what
    Shake that bread, ow!
    She's a brick "ouch"
    she's a brick...ouch!
    She's a freak ow
    shiki ta, shiki ta na. (Thought they we
    She's the one, the only one, she's built
    I dropped a brick, ouch.
    She's a freak ow!
    chicka cow now chicka cow now
    She's a brick, ouch
    She's mighty frightening ... Built like
    shaka kahn, shaka kahn, shaka kahn, shak
    She's a prick, OW!
    She's the one, the only one, built like
    It's a breakout
    She's a b**th, ow!
    It's a free couch Its kinda crusty The s
    She's a brick mouse
    I'm'a freak out!
    Take your breasts out, let them all hang
    She's a b**th, ow!
    She's the one, the only one, built like
    She's built like a nickle-machine
    Aww, she's a brick, meeoooow...
    She's a brick outhouse
    She's a b**th ------ ouw!
    She's a b**th. Ow!
    She's a mighty whitey, just letting it A
    suck-a -c**k
    Shake a cow, Shake a cow, Shake a cow no
    She's a freak... HOUSE! She's my to-mah-
    It's a ritz house Feisty Feisty for lett
    She's a b***h - yow!
    She's mighty mighty, built like a mastod
    She makes me freak out

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