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    "Paperback Writer" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by The Beatles

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Paperback Writer" by The Beatles? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Paperback Writer" Lyrics

    Pay the black writer
    Paperbag writer, paperbag writer
    Baby-back Rider
    Hippie Bike Rider
    He's the black writer
    Ain't that right, sir
    Take the back right turn
    Take the back right turn
    Paint the black whiter
    Pay for my Chrysler
    Take a back right turn
    Paint the back whiter
    Paperbag raita~ Raita~ Raita~
    Take the back right turn.
    take the back right turn
    Aim for that Python
    Fate for cracked white urn
    Up and down right turn.
    Take the back right turn
    pay for that chrysler
    Make a bad writer
    Make a bad right turn
    Yer Sarah Nighter will you read my book?
    I want to be paid to pack lighter...
    My friend always thought they were singi
    I want to be an aytobach kreisor
    paper bag lighter
    You sit around all night just to read m
    Take a back right turn !!!!
    take the last right turn
    bark to the black rider
    Pay for that Chrysler
    Take the back right turn
    paperback rider
    Maybe I'll bite her
    Take a bath right now
    nickelback rider
    hey, b-Back rider!
    "Take a back right to" (or phonetically,
    take the black right turn
    dear sir or madam will you grease my boo
    Paper Bag Rider
    dear sarah lee will you feel my boobies.
    Pay the pied piper
    Take the back right turn
    b***h, I promise you
    dave the bag writer
    Paperback writer, Pay for my Chrysler
    Paperback rider
    Take the back right turn.
    Affelback Rightcher
    Take the Last Right Turn
    Take the back right turn
    It's the dirty story of a dirty man And
    Take the last right turn
    Pay the black writer

    Other Songs by The Beatles

    A Day in the Life
    A Taste Of Honey
    Across The Universe
    All You Need Is Love
    And I Love Her
    And Your Bird Can Sing
    Anna (go to him)
    Baby You're A Rich Man
    Back in the USSR
    Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
    Blue Jay Way
    Can't Buy Me Love
    Carry That Weight
    Come Together
    Day Tripper
    Dear Prudence
    Devil In Her Heart
    Doctor Robert
    Don't Pass Me By
    Eight days a week
    Eleanor Rigby
    For No One
    Free as a Bird
    Get Back
    Getting Better
    Give Peace A Chance
    Glass Onion
    Golden Slumbers
    Good Morning, Good Morning
    Happiness Is A Warm Gun
    Hard Day's Night
    Hello Goodbye
    Helter Skelter
    Her Majesty
    Here Comes the Sun
    Here, There, and Everywhere
    Hey Bulldog
    Hey Jude
    I Am The Walrus
    I Feel Fine
    I Saw Her Standing There
    I Want To Hold Your Hand
    I Want You (She's So Heavy)
    I Will
    I'm a Loser
    I'm Happy Just to Dance With You
    I'm Looking Through You
    I'm Only Sleeping
    I'm So Tired
    I've Just Seen A Face
    It's Only Love
    Lady Madonna
    Let It Be
    Love You Too
    Lovely Rita
    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
    Magical Mystery Tour
    Mean Mr. Mustard
    Mr. Moonlight
    Norwegian Wood
    Nowhere Man
    Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da
    Octopus's Garden
    Old Brown Shoe
    Penny Lane
    Please Please Me
    Polythene Pam
    Rock and Roll Music
    Rocky Raccoon
    Roll Over Beethoven
    Savoy Truffle
    Secret Agent Man
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
    She Loves You
    She's a Woman
    Strawberry Fields Forever
    Tell Me Why
    The Ballad Of John And Yoko
    The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill
    The Word
    Think For Yourself
    Ticket To Ride
    Tomorrow Never Knows
    Twist and Shout
    Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
    We Can Work It Out
    When I'm Sixty-Four
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    Wild Honey Pie
    With a Little Help From My Friends
    Yellow Submarine
    Yer Blues
    You Never Give Me Your Money

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