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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    "Brown-Eyed Girl" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Van Morrison

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Brown-Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Brown-Eyed Girl" Lyrics

    Do you remember when we looked the same?
    Gunnin' down the old man with a transist
    You're my one eyed girl
    Hey wet amigo!
    Hey, Roderigo
    Down in the hollow, Playin' a nude game
    Hey Rodrigo
    Going down on an old man
    gunning down the old man with a transist
    Going down on the old man for a transist
    Slipping and sliding All along I wanna f
    Hey there, Rodrigo.
    Hey white amigo
    Laughing and running naked
    Heidi hide a rainbow's watch.
    Goin' out of your mind with a transistor
    Hey wet amigo! Days when the rain came.
    Brown Hot Girl
    gunnin down the old man with a transisto
    Hey there Rodrigueo...
    Are you mad, Brown-Eyed Girl?
    Bulls**t, bulls**t, bulls**t, bulls**t
    cast from every backdoor lot
    Hey there Rodrigo
    Sh-la-la-la-la . . . Just say "Quack"
    ..remember making love in the green gras
    Hey ron rodrigo
    Brand-New Girl
    Going down the old man, with a transisto
    Sha la la la la la la la I like ya dog
    Hey, there, amigo...
    Bright-eyed girl
    Going down on the old man with a transis

    Other Songs by Van Morrison

    Crazy Love
    Full Force Gale
    Glad Tidings
    Jackie Wilson Said ( I'm in Heaven When You Smile)
    real real gone
    Street Choir
    Sweet Thing
    Tupelo Honey
    Warm Love

    Funniest Misheards by Van Morrison