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    "Chop Suey" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by System Of A Down

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Chop Suey" Lyrics

    Why'd you put your kids upon the table?
    Grandma should put on a little make-up.
    Why'd you lose the ketchup on the table?
    Grab a bra, put on a little makeup
    I'd rather leave this surfer b***h
    I scratched a beaner with the shake-up.
    Why'd you leave the kids up on the table
    For the deer heads I commend my spirit
    Wake up! Maybe I should put on a little
    Why'd you leave the ketchup on the table
    Falling deer heads...
    Father Deerhens, I commend my spirit.
    Grandma you should put on a little make-
    I just m********ed with the shades up
    Why'd you leave the ketchup on the table
    Why'd you leave the cookies on the table
    Why'd you leave the kids on the table?
    Foghorn Leghorn, why have you forsaken m
    Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up wake up
    Jacob!Got to get to school on time so wa
    I just m********ed with the sheet off
    f**k off f**k off f**k off f**k off Fold
    Why'd you leave the kids upon the table
    Why'd you leave the kids up on the table
    f**k you (f**k you), f**k you (f**k you)
    f**k you (f**k you), f**k you (f**k you)
    Wake up! Hamanamanamanama make-up!why'd
    I just masteurbated with the fake cup.
    I just m********ed with the shade up!
    wake up, Grandpa go put on a little make
    wake up, Grandpa go put on a little make
    wake up, Grandpa go put on a little make
    f**k her!!! f**k her!!! f**k her!!! f**k
    Here you go creating another table (forg
    I just m********ed with the shades up
    Where'd you leave the kids upon the demo
    Whyfore did you hit me with a table?
    Angelina Jolie upon the table.
    Father Deerhands i commend the spirits,
    f**k off, f**k off, f**k off, f**k off
    Grandma really needs a little make-up
    Why'd you leave the kids up on the table
    Why'd you leave the kids up on the table
    Why'd you put the ketchup on the dredel?
    why did you leave the kids upon the tabl
    Vodka! VODKA! Vodka! VODKA!
    Vodka! VODKA! Vodka! VODKA!
    why'd you leave the keys up on the table
    grandma you should put on a makeup
    Wake up, put on some mush and wakeup lit
    Falling deer head
    Wake up, Grab a brush and put a little (
    I just m********ed with a shake up
    Floating deer heads Why have you forsake
    I just m********ed with your sneaker I j
    Why'd you leave the kids up on the table
    Grandmama should put on a little makeup
    For the gearheads, i commend my spirits
    Why'd you leave the ketchup on the table
    Father Deerhands
    Randolph! x4
    Why'd you put the kids upon the table?
    Yakamoto mushroom peepholes
    Falling deer heads i commend my spirit
    ...why'd you leave the kids with a label
    Father deer head
    Why'd you leave the ketchup on the table
    "Why did you leave the ketchup on the ta
    E o anjo?
    Burger, burger, burger, burger Father, d

    Other Songs by System Of A Down

    Deer Dance
    F**k The System
    Jet Pilot
    Kill Rock N Roll
    Mr. Jack
    Old School Hollywood
    Pizza Pie
    Prison Song
    This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
    Violent Pornography

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