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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    Song: Eve

    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Cher

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" by Cher? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" Lyrics

    Gypsies, Trans-Am thieves
    Gypsies, plant your beans..
    Heebs, jeebs, tramps and feebs....
    Ree pee ram pam pee
    Give these tramps some peas!
    Gypsies, Drags and Queens
    Grandpa would do whatever he could
    Trees, trees, tramps and trees
    Gypsies, chimpanzees and Every night a
    T and Ts, Tramps and Thieves
    Gypsie chimp's knees
    Gypsies, twenty cents please
    Clean teens, tramps, and beans
    They'd call us gypsies, chimpanzees
    Roadways are cemented
    Gypsies drive SUV's
    ...and everynight all the men would com
    Gypsies, twenty cents please
    Gypsies, Chimpanzees (and later) Every
    Thieves, theives, tramps and thieves
    Every night the men come around, and lay
    Cheese, cheese, welfare cheese!
    GMCs and Streisand thieves...
    GMCs, traps, and fleas
    and every night all the men would come a
    Gypsies, travelling fleas
    Gypsy Travesty
    Every night all the men would come aroun
    This is similar to another mis-hearing -
    Please, please, Batman please
    "Gypsies chimps in trees, we'd hear from
    peas peas carrots and peas that what the
    "..sell a couple bottles of caa caa coo.
    Thieves, thieves, tramps and thieves, We

    Other Songs by Cher

    After All
    Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)
    If I Could Turn Back Time
    Shoop Shoop (It's in His Kiss)
    Strong Enough
    Walking in Memphis
    Woman's World

    Funniest Misheards by Cher