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    "All Along The Watchtower" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Jimi Hendrix

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "All Along The Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "All Along The Watchtower" Lyrics

    Some writers were talking falsely now th
    There must be some kind of way out of he
    Big Miss Mandy, drink my wine, come and
    Businessman come drink my wine Come and
    Business men they drink my wine, Come an
    so let us not talk falesly now I was get
    Business men they drink my wine, come an
    Businessmen they drink my wine, come and
    They drink my wine Come and dig my Irv
    There must be some kinda way out of here
    Business they, they drink my wine Come a
    but now my lips are so glossy now, cause
    None will level, undermine nobody else i
    there must be some kind of way out of he
    All along the watchtower Princes kept th
    There must be some kind of way out of he
    Businessmen , drink my wine Cool and dig
    ... drink my wine, come and dig my herb
    Businessmen they drink my wine, come and
    There must be some kind of way out of he
    "Business men they drink my wine, plowme
    Mister standin', drink my wine, come and
    So let's not talk falsely now, because o
    plowmen dig my herbs
    So let us talk falsely now, that I was g
    So let us call Tom Bosley now
    my old man take my herb
    Baby stand there, drink my wine Come and
    Some of us were talking falsely now, Tha
    Businessmen, they drink my wine, come a
    Policeman drink my wine, come and take m
    Businessman they drink my wine come and
    businessma hey drink my wine come and di
    Come and dog my herb
    Ploughman take my herb.
    Outside in the cold distance, a wildcat
    There must be some kind of way out of he
    buissiness men drink my wine, come and d
    business men they drink my wine come and
    come and dig my herb
    But I was getting laid
    No reason to get excited Though things b
    Princess Stanley - drink my wine Come an
    "there must be some way out of here", sa
    Business man they come and, Take my her
    Buissnessman they dink my wine, come and
    Let us stop talking bulls**t, now I was
    "Businessman there, drink my wine; "Come
    oil on the watchtower
    I was getting laid

    Other Songs by Jimi Hendrix

    Hey Joe
    Johnny B. Good
    Little wing
    Purple Haze
    Spanish Castle Magic
    Up From The Skies
    Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)

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