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    "You're The One That I Want" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "You're The One That I Want" by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "You're The One That I Want" Lyrics

    I've got shoes, they're made of plywood,
    Let me wait for your erection, Feel the
    Girl, I wanna yodel! Hoo! hoo! hoo!
    I've got Jews They're multiplying
    I got juice, they're multiplying
    Walla walla walla walla (walla walla wal
    You're a hullabaloo, oo oo ooo oooo
    Meditate in my erection, feel the wave.
    Your'e the wizard of Oz
    I got chills and some pliers And I'm ooz
    You better prove that my baby's justifie
    I got jizz, like a molten lion
    I got jizz, like a molten lion
    You're the Wizzard of Oz!
    You're the the one that I want (Doo wap
    I've got shoes, they're multiplying And
    You're a walla, walla.
    ive got shoes they're made of plywood
    You're the wobbly one
    YouŽd better say Bob!
    If you're filled with infection you're t
    I've got chills There go the pliers
    You're the wholla the whoop
    I got juice, them bolts are flyin'
    You're the wizard of O's
    I've got cheese A multiplying
    My big shoes are made for tying
    Meditate My Erection, Feel Away.
    My gut shrews, they're multiplying And m
    You're the one that I want, you are the
    Got everythang - in my momma name (We go
    Let me see your erection
    I got Jews...they're multiplying.
    I got Jews, they're multiplying
    And my baby starts to fry

    Other Songs by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John

    Games Without Frontiers
    Greased Lightning
    Summer Night City
    Summer Nights
    The One That I Want

    Funniest Misheards by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John