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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    "Blitzkrieg Bop" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Ramones

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Blitzkrieg Bop" by Ramones? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Blitzkrieg Bop" Lyrics

    Let's creampuff
    Let's drink pop!
    They're going in a straight line They're
    The kids are land mines The Blitzkrieg B
    Hey Ho, Lets Go Hey Ho, Lets Go Hey Ho,
    They're bumping in state line, We're goi
    Pen-s**tting people look back on a mint.
    Let's kick Bob!
    The fun is in the back seat
    I O let's go
    Satan's in the backbeat
    Let's drink pop
    Let's get Crocked! - OR - Let's get F*ck
    They're falling in the back seat They're
    way ho, lets no they her frombing in the
    let's keep up
    I was watching U2 in the closet, wishing
    They're farming in a straight line they'
    Let's kick butt
    "Let's drink pop"
    The farmers in the straight light The ge
    Letīs get fu**ed
    Let's streefight
    Generate Feeney, Let's kick butt!
    Bisquick box
    shoot 'em in the bathtub
    They're forming in a straight knot They'

    Other Songs by Ramones

    Beat On The Brat
    Bonzo Goes To Bitburg
    Bop 'Til You Drop
    Chinese Rock
    Danny Says
    Glad To See You Go
    I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement
    I Don't Want To Grow Up
    I Wanna Be Sedated
    I'm Affected
    I'm Against It
    Judy Is A Punk
    Listen To My Heart
    Love Kills
    Needles and Pins
    New Girl in Town
    Oh Oh I Love Her So
    Rock and Roll High School
    Rockaway Beach
    Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
    Sitting In My Room
    Surfin' Bird
    The KKK Took My Baby Away

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