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    Song: Eve

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    "American Pie" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Don McLean

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "American Pie" by Don McLean? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "American Pie" Lyrics

    Drove a machete into the levy but the le
    Bye bye mister mexican pie
    I was a lonely teenage drunken f***
    Yo masheti to the levy but the levy was
    I know that you're in love with him 'cau
    While Lenin read a book on Marx
    My, my Miss American Pie Bought my chevy
    Vai vai Miss American Pie
    I was a lonely teenage dirtbag punk with
    Drove my Sherry to the Larry But the Lar
    I was a lonely teenage drunken butt
    i was a lonely teenage drunkin f***
    the jester stole his party crown
    Them good ol' boys were drinkin whiskey
    I was a lonely teenaged drunken f***
    "I was a lonely teen-age drunken f***"
    When the jester sang for the king and qu
    I was a lonely teenager, drunk and f**ke
    I was a lonely teenage drunken f*ck
    Bye bye Ms. American Pie
    Well I know that you're in love with him
    Drove my Chevy to the levee but the lady
    Well I know you're in love with him 'Cau
    ...can music save your model soul...
    Drove my Chevy in the levy cuz I put it
    "he was a lonely teenage drunken bum....
    bye bye miss america's thighs
    Can music save your mother's soul?
    And good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey
    If everybody tells you so
    Drove my Chevvy to the Lavvy but the Lav
    i was a lonely teenage Bronson buff with
    the courtroom was a jerk, now Fredric wa
    Grover had spaghetti but the spaghetti d
    Fry Fry, this american guy
    When the Chester sing for the king and q
    Them good old boys were drinkin" Pepsi w
    I was a lonely teenage drunken f**k, Wit
    Well I know that you're in love with him
    Throw my machete to the levee and the le
    Throw the machete to the levy when the l

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