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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    "Black" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Pearl Jam

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Black" by Pearl Jam? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Black" Lyrics

    I take a walk outside, I'm surrounded by
    Now the b**th is mad and been washed in
    She took empty cans in...
    Her legs spread out before me As her bod
    Oh, the b*tch is sad, I'll be washed in
    Ohh the bichh is sad; ohh, been washed i
    "Sheets of empty canvas / untouched shee
    And when I bit her ass...
    sheets and empty blankets, untouched she
    She wore purple panties.......
    I take a walk outside, I'm surrounded by
    She's so empty handed
    I'm surrounded by Donkey the bear
    Surrounded by zonkies that fail
    I take a walk outside I'm surrounded by.
    Hot wicker, sunk in, drive away
    Her legs spread out before me, as her bo
    Tatooed on my teeth
    I take a walk outside I'm surrounded by
    "All the b**thes said..."
    Her Legs, or her lace spread out before
    She's an empty canvas Under sheets of gl
    And now the b*tches hands, lay beneath t
    Tattooed on Hi-C
    Oh now my bitter hands Chase beneath the
    sheets of empty canvas over sheets of re
    Sheets of empty canvas over sheets of re
    Tattooed on High Seas!
    Sheets of empty canvas over sheets of re
    And now my bitter hands lay beneath the

    Other Songs by Pearl Jam

    Better Man
    Do The Evolution
    Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
    Even Flow
    Given to Fly
    Glorified G
    Hail Hail
    In Hiding
    Last Exit
    Last Kiss
    Rearview Mirror
    Red Mosquito
    Spin the Black Circle
    State of Love & Trust
    Wish List
    Yellow Ledbetter

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