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    "Caribbean Queen" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Billy Ocean

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Caribbean Queen" by Billy Ocean? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Caribbean Queen" Lyrics

    Caribou Queen...
    Carob Bean Queen
    She dutched by me in faded on jeans
    She touched my meat, and blamed it on je
    She touched my knee and blamed it on Jam
    She dutch bound me and blamed it on Jame
    Malibu twit
    Barbeque Queen now we're sharing the sam
    Gary Bucey...
    Caribou Swing
    Gary Busy, now were sharing the same dre
    Marry real quick Now we're sharin the sa
    She touched my knee and blamed it on Jam
    Caribbean Queen, now we're wearing the
    Carry good wings
    She touched my knee and blamed it on Jam
    Carabo Cream, now where swearing in the
    Pair of good twins
    Tarragon Queen
    Carry Me a Twitch
    Caribbean queen, now with Sherry Neusant
    Johnny Come Quick, Now we're sharing the
    Now we're sharing dysentry
    She touched by me and fainted on James
    She touched by me and fainted on James
    Very cute twins Now we're sharing the sa
    Caribou cream, now we're sharing the sam
    Haven't you dreamed, that we're sharing
    she dashed by me and fainted on James
    Carry two swings

    Other Songs by Billy Ocean

    Get Out Of My Dreams, Get Into My Car
    Love Really Hurts Without You
    When The Going Gets Tough

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