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    "Freshmen" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Verve Pipe

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Freshmen" by Verve Pipe? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Freshmen" Lyrics

    A Chia Pet who never really took a vice
    Chia Punkarelly never took advice
    I was young and knew everything, see apo
    I cannot believe we'd ever buy Forty cen
    And Gia Fonzarelli never took advice.
    We were near refreshments
    For the laugh of me, I cannot remember w
    For the life of me I can not believe we'
    His girl took a week's worth of vows and
    I never thought we'd die forty cents
    We were merely flashed by men.
    For the life of me, I cannot believe we'
    her bestfriend took a weeks vacation to
    for the life of me i can not believe we'
    Would never doubt forty cents
    When I was young I knew everything. She
    I cannot belive we'd ever dial forty cen
    soggin' baby's breasts and I knew it was
    I can not believe we'd ever doubt forty
    We were merely flesh wounds
    I cannot believe we do somthing for fort
    For the life of me I cannot believe We'd
    His girl took a week's worth of valium a
    stomp a babys head with a shoe full of r
    but i will go down with this s**t
    I could not believe we'd ever drop forty
    My best friend took a weak vacation to f
    High Bulls**t
    I cannot believe we ever got 40 cents.

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