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    "Heart-Shaped Box" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Nirvana

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Heart-Shaped Box" Lyrics

    Hey, wait, i've got a hip complaint
    Hey! Wait! I've gotta lose some weight
    Me eating all our kids for once just yet
    hey wade
    She has me in her pisces web. I am weak.
    I wish you could keep your pants on when
    Hey! Wayne! I've gotta stop the plane
    Forever and after your prize expires
    Hey! Hey! I've got a real toupé!
    Hey, Wayne, I got a microwave.
    Hey, Wayne! I've got a lute, come play!
    I wish I could eat your pants off when y
    I wish I could eat your casserole
    cut myself on angel hair and baked beans
    Hey! Wait! I've got a new Cobain!
    Hey! Paint! I've got an ear complaint!
    Hey! Wait! I gotta milkyway.
    Hey, Wayne, I've got a nuke 'em plane
    Hey, wait, I got a menstrual pain.
    Hey, wait, I've go to lose some weight.
    Hey! Wayne! I've gotta lose some weight
    hey way, i gotta do cobain
    Hey! Wait! I've gotta nuke 'em Penny!
    Hey! Wait! I've got a mental pain!
    ...for reverend ed and his priceless adv
    So all the ladies in the house if you pe
    hey wayne im on the window pane
    Hey! Wait! I've got to lose, don't play
    Hey, Wayne, brother I feel your pain.
    Hey! Wait! I've got to lose some weight!
    Hey! Wait! I gotta' look away.
    Young p***y cat man
    She loves me like a fountain for my feet
    Hey, Wait, Ive got a new Cobain...
    Hey! Wait! I'm going to lose my brain
    Hey, wait. My name is Kurt Cobain.
    I wish I could eat your cancer away; the
    Hey! Wait! I got a dildo brain!
    Hey, wait, I've got to lose some weight
    Hey, Wait, I´ve got a little brain.
    "Hey, Wayne, I got a real complaint."
    Hey! Wait! I've got a noose, come play.
    for a rebel dancer your price is right
    Hey! Wait! I got a lukewarm vein
    Hey way, I've got a new Cobain!
    I wish I could kill your kids and cats w
    Hey, Wait, I gotta lose some weight
    Hey! Way! I've got a lycopene...
    hey! wait! i have a mental pain
    Hey, wait, I've got a new Cobain
    Hey! Wait..I got an Aunt Jermaine!
    Hey! Wait! I've got a loufah brain
    Hey, wait, I got a roof gon' paint!
    Hey! Wait! I got a rectal problem
    I've been Eating Orchids for Kids
    Hey! Wait! I've got a new complaint, for

    Other Songs by Nirvana

    About A Girl
    All Apologies
    Come As You Are
    Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
    In Bloom
    Lounge Act
    Milk It
    Mollys Lips
    Negative Creep
    On a Plain
    Pennyroyal tea
    Rape Me
    Serve The Servants
    Smells Like Teen Spirit
    Something in the Way
    Territorial Pissings
    Where Did You Sleep Last Night

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