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    "Killer Queen" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Queen

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Killer Queen" by Queen? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Killer Queen" Lyrics

    Got my virginity, Dynamite with a laser
    A milk man from China.
    She's a killer queen, goodbye to gelatin
    Catlike agility
    She's a killer queen Got by the jellybe
    She keeps her Mo, Anna, Sean Doe in a pr
    Goodbye to cheddar cheese.
    gun powder and terpitine
    shes a killer queen - got fine agility,
    carbide and turpentine
    "Decadent cake" she says, just like Mari
    Goodbye to gelatine
    She keeps a moo and a shandal in a prett
    She's a Killer Queen, Not bad at Jeopard
    Welfare stanetiquette
    She keeps a' my way of shinin', in a pre
    She keeps mooing in Schaumburg
    building a reveille for kruschev and ken
    Little man from China went down the gay
    well first Connecticut
    Perfume came naturally from Paris, from
    Got 500 jelly beans
    Temporarily out of time.
    Gunpowder, eternity Dynamite it will mak
    Met a man-vagina bent down to geisha min
    recommended underpants, insatiable an ap
    She's a killer queen somebody cut the ch
    gunpowder cheddar cheese, dynamite with
    Got by the Jebatty, Down a mine, with a
    Rubber band she's as willing as
    Perfume came naturally from Paris Becaus
    Shot down and turpentine, dynamite with
    Little man vagina bound to get Jemimah
    she's a killer queen goodbye virginity
    wreck a man in underpants, sensational a
    Cinnamon from China Went down to get a m
    Met a man vagina
    Dynamite will have tripped her team
    She's a killer queen goodbye debate team
    Goodbye in summertime
    Kalamari, Cheddar Cheese Dinah might, wi
    She keeps mooning her shadow in her pret
    Paperback Vagina
    A built in remedy for cruise jobs and vi
    She keeps moving and chanting In a prett
    Little man's vagina went down to Geisha
    Little man's vagina went down to Geisha
    She keeps 'em always shined up in her pr
    She's a killer queen. Got fine agility
    Got that agility, dynamite with a laser
    Melmac, china, down to Asia Minor
    She keeps a-mowing her chamber, little p

    Other Songs by Queen

    Living On My Own
    A Kind Of Magic
    Another One Bites The Dust
    Bicycle Race
    Bohemian Rhapsody
    Crazy Little Thing Called Love
    Death On Two Legs
    Don't Stop Me Now
    Fat Bottom Girls
    Flash Gordon
    Flick of the Wrist
    Hammer to Fall
    I Want It All
    I Want To Break Free
    It's A Kind Of Magic
    Life Is Real (Song For Lennon)
    Love Kills
    My Fairy King
    Now I'm Here
    One Vision
    One Year of Love
    Princes Of The Universe
    Radio Ga Ga
    Sail Away Sweet Sister
    Save Me
    Seaside Rendezvous
    Sheer Heart Attack
    Somebody to Love
    Son and Daughter
    Staying Power
    Stone Cold Crazy
    Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together)
    The prophet's song
    Tie Your Mother Down
    Under Pressure
    We Are The Champions
    We Will Rock You
    Who Wants To Live Forever
    You're My Best Friend

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