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    "Margaritaville" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Jimmy Buffett

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Margaritaville" Lyrics

    But I know, it's my own Grandpa
    My son had a sex change , on my front po
    Lookin' for my lost Digger the Dog
    Lookin' for my lost sugar and dog
    Looking for my log shaker and saw
    Blew out my flip flop, stepped on a Pop
    Wasting away again in my dirigible
    Searching for my lost Chickasaw
    Searching for my lost digger the dog
    Searchin' for my log-shigger and saw.
    There's booze in the blender, and soon I
    I blew out my flip flop, Stepped on a Po
    Blew out my flip flop Stepped on a pop t
    There's booze in the blender, and soon e
    Looking for my lost acre of socks
    But I know, it's my old grandpa
    Smell of sheep dip Beginnin' to boil
    Lookin' for a mile high shaker of salt.
    Searching for my last jiggersol Searchin
    Stepped on a Pop-Tart
    Smell those shrimp, I'm beginning to bar
    Blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop
    Yes and some people claim there's a whol
    I blew out my flip-flop Stepped on a pop
    I blew out my flip-flop; Stepped on a Po
    Some people claim that there's a worm on
    Blew out my salt top and stepped on a po
    I blew out my flip flop, Stepped on a po
    Searchin' for my lost chigger saw.
    Looking for my lost sugar and son
    I blew out a flip-flop Stepped on a pop-
    Wasted away again I'm Margaritaman.
    stepped on a pop tart, burned my heal, h
    seaching for my lost jigger and song
    Lookin' for my lost Digger the Dog
    Some people claim there's a walnut to bl
    Wastin' away again in my gorilla suit, S
    Stepped on a pop tart, blew out my flip
    searchung for a mile long shaker of salt
    Lookin' for my lost chigger and saw
    wasting away in my Gary DeVille
    I spent four lonely days in a brown pape
    Stepped on a pop top But mt heel caught
    There's boobs in the blender
    searchin' for my lost jigger asshole
    Loukin' for my outlaw shaker of salt.
    Searchin' for my last chigger assault (y
    Searching for my lost jigger and saw.
    Searching for my lost shigger song
    blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pyth
    Smell any shrimp dip again and I'll barf
    stepped on pop-rock blew out my flip flo
    Looking for my outlaws, Shaker and Song
    Lookin' for my lost chigger and saw
    Some people claim that there's a worm on
    Searchin for my lost chivalrous soul
    Stepped on a crack pipe
    Wasted away again in my burritoville
    Looking for my lost secret sauce.
    Stepped on a pot pie
    Stepped on a Pop Tart
    searchin' for my log shaker and salt
    Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt
    Stepped on a pop pop ~and~ Steppe
    Blew on my flip flop stepped on a pop ta
    stepped on a pot pipe
    i blew out my flip flop ,stepped on a ca
    searchin' for my lost Digger the Dog
    Lebanon sponge cake
    some people say that there's a warm dinn
    Searchin' for my lost Shaker son
    searching for my outlaw jigger a saw.
    Now it's a real cutie, it's stuck on my
    Searching for my lost chigger is all
    stepped on a Pop Tart
    Some people claim that there's a warm di
    Searching for the last n***** I saw
    All of those tubers covered in oats
    Looking for my lost jiggersaw ...
    Searching for my lost sugar and spice
    But I know it's my own damn fault
    Smell of shrimp dip again in the bar
    "But I's my own gran'pa".
    Smell of SHRAPNEL beginning to boil

    Other Songs by Jimmy Buffett

    A Pirate Looks at 40
    Boat Drinks
    Changes In Latitude, Changes In Attitude
    Cheeseburger In Paradise
    Come Monday
    Desperation Samba
    Lone Palm
    Pencil Thin Mustache
    The Pina Colada Song
    Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw

    Funniest Misheards by Jimmy Buffett