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    The Story: Don't eat the fruit in the garden, Eden,, It wasn't in God's natural plan., You were only a rib,, And look at what you did,, To Adam, the father of Man.

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    "Our Lips Are Sealed" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Go-Gos

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Our Lips Are Sealed" by Go-Gos? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Our Lips Are Sealed" Lyrics

    Hot as I Feel
    I Love Lucille
    August tuxedo
    Harlots of Steel
    In the Dallas camp people play
    Honest, I see you.
    Honest Cecil
    I love Ceceil.
    Alex the seal
    olives are pealed
    Tanning my a** Well that's not the fuss
    Alex the seal
    I like cecile
    I am a seal
    Alice the seal
    Honest I see you
    Omar Taseeni
    Honest facile
    Otters and seals
    Aleister Steele
    Olive cessio
    Alice the seal...
    olive cecile haw haw
    Honest Cecile
    Alex I see you
    Everybody get pay per play, hey, hey, he
    I will soon see you...
    Alex the Seal
    Alex the Seal
    Alex the seal
    I guess I'll see ya
    Our name's Cecile
    Alex the seal
    we are siseal
    Alex I see you
    Olives and seals
    Promise ta see ya
    Alice Casille
    Promise I'll See Ya
    Digitalis can't beat the plague
    I like Cecile
    I kissed a seal
    Otters & seals
    Onyx the Seal...
    I love Cecile
    Alex the seal.
    Otters and seals
    Our tits are real
    Honest I see you
    I'm insincere.
    Olives are seals
    Harry come see us
    Ali M C U
    A la casita
    Alex the seal
    Alex the seal
    I licked Cecil
    Honest, Cecile.
    Alex the Seal
    I'm a believer

    Other Songs by Go-Gos

    Head Over Heels
    Our Lips are Sealed
    We Got The Beat

    Funniest Misheards by Go-Gos