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    "Rock The Casbah" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Clash

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Rock The Casbah" by Clash? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Rock The Casbah" Lyrics

    This is not Kosher!For the Mental Retard
    Rock the cashbox, Rock the cashbox
    Rock the asphalt, Rock the asphalt
    Rock the cash bar.
    Sherri-iii don't like it Rock the cat bo
    Shout if you don't like it.
    rock the cat box
    The sheep don't like it Rock the catbox
    F**K the Asphalt
    fOR rEAR... oH MY! s**tTING IN MY TIN CA
    Lock the Taskbar Lock the Taskbar
    Rock the cat box, Rock the cat box...
    Cherie don't like it: Lock the taskbar!
    Rock The Casbah, Bob Has Asthma
    Cherry don't like it Rocking the cash ba
    F**k the asphalt F**k the asphalt
    rockin the cats paw
    F**k the taskbar, f**k the taskbar
    Sherri-iii, don't like it Buckets of asp
    Lock the taskbar Lock the taskbar
    She really likes ryebread
    Shat in the cat's car
    Rock your **s off
    Rock the catbox
    The Security don't like it Lockin the T
    Nat king cole offers jet fighters, he sa
    F**K the Passport.
    She'll be alright, yeah. Rock the casbah
    I really don't like it Rock the catbox
    F**k the passport
    Kareem don't like it...
    Shaolin in the package, rock the casbah
    Surreal lightning, rockin' the cat's paw
    Cheree, I'm blinded
    I have 2 versions I have heard it as: T
    Rock the cash ball
    Rock the cash ball
    Sherri, we don't like it F**k the casbah
    Rock with Casper, Rock with Casper
    rock the cat's paw, Rock the cat's paw
    Sophia you're so magic
    F__k the cash bar
    F#@k the taskforce, f#@k the taskforce
    your radiator magnet f*#k the gasbar, f*
    Rock the cat's balls
    Rock your ass off Rock your ass off
    F**k the asphalt... F**k the asphalt...
    Siamise don't like it, Rocks in the cat
    when they brought out that electric hatt
    Shouting we don't like it. Lock the Snac
    swing all night, yeah
    pop the casserol
    Shouting how I like it, rock the catwalk
    lock the taskbar lock the taskbar
    Rock the Catbox
    Shout 'eeee' if you like it, Rock the da
    Lock the taskbar
    I really did not like it F**K the cashbo
    lock the taskbar
    Rock your pants off
    She rea-ly don't like 'im F**k his ass o
    Shall weeeee go ride it, rock the casbah
    Rock my ass off!
    "Drop the Asphalt"
    Sharleen don't like it
    Funky gasball
    share me because i like it
    sharlene, i'll meet you on the night tra
    rock with asthma
    drop the cole slaw drop the cole slaw
    F**k the Casbah! F**k the Casbah!
    show me you don' like it rock the cashbo
    Sherrie don't like it Dr.pepper dr.Peppe
    Rod's a hazard, Rod's a hazard
    rock the dashboard, rock the dashboard
    Doctor Gasmask
    F**k the passport! F**k the passport!
    Kareem don't like it Rock yer ass off Ro
    "thundercats yeah, thundercats yeah" "b
    Shar-ee don't like it F*** the bastards
    Lock the cashbox!
    Rock the catbox... Rock the catbox...
    rock your ass off rock your ass off
    Shareen don't like it Rockin' with Caspe
    "F*@! the task force! F*@! the task for
    drop the gas bomb.
    Rock, Sasquatch!
    The sheep don't like it It's not the cat
    If the sheik don't like it
    Wok The Casbah
    Rock me Grandpa
    Rock Me Sasquatch
    Garfield don't like it Rockin the catbox
    Rock the gas pump (or the "F" word)
    Rob the cash box
    the jet pilots tuned to the Catholic rad
    Rock the fastball, Rock the fastball
    Shareenie in-fo-matic
    Drop the pasta, drop the pasta
    Cherie, people like it.
    Lock the Task Bar
    Cherie don't like it / Rock your *** off
    It's demeaning and I like it Rock the as
    Shawty-ee don't like it, this b***h is n
    Lock the cat box. Lock the cat box.
    Sharee, I'm dyin'/What could you ask for

    Other Songs by Clash

    I Fought The Law
    Jail Guitar Doors
    London Calling
    Police and Thieves
    Safe European Home
    Should I Stay Or Should I Go
    Spanish Bombs
    The Magnificent Seven
    White Man in Hammersmith Palais
    White Riot

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