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    Latest Misheard Stories

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    Song: Eve

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    "Karma Police" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Radiohead

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Karma Police" by Radiohead? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Karma Police" Lyrics

    Hold a minute there, I waxed myself
    Fold a minute there, a lot smell sell, a
    I.. I.. smell silk I.. I.. smell silk I.
    "This is what you get, This is what you
    Arrest this man he talks in the night
    Karma police, arrest this man he talks i
    karma police, arrest this man, he talks
    Come on rain down on me, former greyhoun
    Karma police, arrest this man, he talks
    Are four midgets there? I'll ask myself,
    karma police arrest this man he buzzes
    That's what you get.. When you miss the
    Karma Police, arrest these smelly toxin
    Karma police, arrest this girl who hit m
    This is what you get, this is what you g
    every woman here, I lost my child, I los
    Come up please
    Don't tell me, I'll ask myself
    Karma police, arrest this man He talks i
    You're full of everything, I want some t
    He talks in mazz

    Other Songs by Radiohead

    2 + 2 = 5
    All I Need
    All Star
    Bangers & Mash
    Bulletproof ( I wish I was)
    Down Is The New Up
    Everything In It's Right Place
    Exit Music (For A Film)
    Fake Plastic Trees
    I Might Be Wrong
    My Iron Lung
    No Surprises
    Packt Like Sardines In a Crushd Tin Box
    Paranoid Android
    Punchup at a Wedding
    Sit Down, Stand Up
    The Bends
    The Tourist
    True Love Waits
    Where I End and You Begin

    Funniest Misheards by Radiohead