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    "All Star" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Smash Mouth

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "All Star" by Smash Mouth? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "All Star" Lyrics

    She was looking kind of dumb with her f
    The ice cream cake is getting pretty thi
    I ate the sharpest tool in the shed.
    She was looking like a bum with the fing
    I said "Yep, what a concept, I could use
    She was looking kinda dumb, With her fin
    I ain't the shot they do in the shed.
    So much to do so much to see So much wro
    The ice cream state is gettin' pretty th
    hey now, you're an all star get your gam
    Hey now, your an all star, get your show
    she was looking kinda' dumb with her fin
    I think the shop is doing the shed.
    She was looking kinda dumb with her fing
    Somebody once told me the world is macar
    All that liver is cold.
    All that glitters is gold Shining super
    hey now, you're a rockstar, get the show
    b***hes don't write my dad anymore.
    My whore is on fire
    With her finger in her bum
    As a finger up her bum and the shape of
    She was lookin' kind of glum With her fi
    But the meteor man begs to differ Judge
    She was looking kind of dumb with her fi
    All that glitters is old only freakin st
    And all that lettuce is gone
    She looked kinda dumb with her finger in
    I ate the sharpest tool in the shed
    She was look'n kinda with her finger and
    hey now your a porn star get the show on
    she was lookin kinda dumb with her finge
    She was looking kinda dumb With her fing
    Hey Now Your an All Star Get Your Strain
    In the shape of an elf on the bunk-beads
    And all that's living is old Only super
    The Ice Tea State is getting pretty thin
    So what's wrong with faking the Backstre
    She was lookin' kinda dumb, with her fin
    I ain't the shopper doing her shares
    Holy shootin' stars make the moe.
    Hey now you're an all star, DigiMon, go
    So what's wrong with Nick in the Backstr
    I Catch the wind and I hit the ground ru
    Hey Now, you're a rock star, get the sho
    Hey now, you're a porn star in a gay bar
    Hey now, you're a porn star get the show
    And all that glitters is old, Only shoot
    So what's wrong with nick and the Backst
    Somebody once told me the world was gonn
    Hey now, you're a rock star, got it goin
    go hot diggity dog only shooting stars g
    Some people once told me that theworld w
    The shake ended up on her forehead
    She was lookin' kind of dumb With her f
    hey now you're an all star get your game
    Hey that shop has tools in the shed
    only shooting stars break the mo-wo
    She was lookin' kinda dumb with her fin
    All that glitters gets sold. Only shooti
    All that whithers is old,
    all psychoenergy's gold only shootin sta
    all the livers gone cold all these stupi
    It's just like gettin' fat, it contracts
    She was lookin' kind of dumb with her fi
    Hey now, you're an asshole, get your gam
    with a shape of an elf on her forehead
    So what's wrong with Nick in the Backstr
    All that bitters is gold Only my mom is
    Somebody once told me the world was gonn
    ...with her finger in her bum and the s*
    All God's livers are gold
    Somebody once told me the world was maca
    All that litter is cold
    she was looking kind of dumb with her fi
    whats wrong with nick in the flapcheeks?
    With the shape of an elf on her forehead
    She was looking kinda dumb with her fing
    The ice needs paint, it's gettin' pretty
    Hey now you're a Rock star, get the go o
    Somebody once told me The world was maca
    I am the stupid guy in the s**t
    Hey now, you're an All Star, get your ke
    so whats wrong with nick(carter)from the
    Hey Now Your A Rockstar Get the Show on
    She was looking kinda' dumb with her fin
    She was lookin' kinda dumb, with her fin
    in the shape of an elf on her forehead
    the icecream state is getting pretty thi
    She was looking kind of dumb with her fi
    somebody once told me the world was maca
    Hey now, get a wash up.
    Hey now you're an allstar get your gay m
    Hey now, you're an all star, get your ga
    She was lookin' kinda dumb With her fing
    Hey now, you're a rock star, get the sho
    Hey now, you're an ulcer
    She was looking kinda dumb with her fing
    So much to do, so much to see, so much w

    Other Songs by Smash Mouth

    Can't Get Enough of You Baby
    I'm a believer
    Sister Psychic
    Then The Morning Comes
    Walkin' On The Sun
    Why Can't We Be Friends

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