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    "Spirits In The Material World" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Police

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Spirits In The Material World" by Police? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Spirits In The Material World" Lyrics

    I'm spittin' in my cereal bowl
    Eatin' al my Cheerio-o's
    I swear I'll give you my cereal
    Esperanza ate all my cereal.
    This subject ain't for meek
    We are asparagus in the material world
    Ooh, Tzadee( a hebrew letter), I'm in a
    I have Cheerios in my cereal bowl.
    upstairs in the material room
    Upstairs, in the material room
    Ospadots in my cereal bowl.
    We asperitz enema serial world
    Ooh,ah,ee, poopin in my cereal...
    Hot spirits in my cereal bowl
    We're aspirins in the material world Asp
    "The subject ate the meat..."
    "We ask to dance in the material world"
    Ooh, I swear there's dogs**t in my Cheer
    I put bananas on my hot cereal
    There are raisins in my hot cereal
    I heard Colitus speak with words in Tran
    Ooh hasta lens in ma sofilia
    I use FedEX in the material world
    hey i'm steerin' into my cereal bowl.
    Oscar Myers, into my cereal ewe.
    spare ribs in my cereal bowl
    I swear into the radio
    Wee arse ferrets in the material world
    Hey Papa Smurf, where's my cereal?
    we are spirits... think of materia
    Ostrich vomit material
    Im so cold leader speak
    We are Spirits there into my Cheerio wor

    Other Songs by Police

    Can't Stand Losing You
    Canary In A Coal Mine
    De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
    Demolition Man
    Don't Stand So Close to Me
    Every Breath You Take
    Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
    I Can't Stand Losing You
    King Of Pain
    Message In A Bottle
    On Any Other Day
    Rehumanize Yourself
    So Lonely
    Synchronicity II
    Too Much Information
    Voices Inside My Head
    Walking In Your Footsteps
    Walking On The Moon
    Wrapped Around Your Finger

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