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    "Suffragette City" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by David Bowie

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Suffragette City" by David Bowie? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Suffragette City" Lyrics

    Down in Chocolate Chip City
    This marshmallow stick Just put its lime
    The smell of fried chips just put my spi
    This butter-fried chick just put a smile
    In fact I'm somewhat conceited
    Oh don't lean on me man cause you ain't
    Oh don't lean on me man, cause you can't
    Esophagus City
    'Cause you ain't got time for chicken
    That mellow fat chick just put my smile
    ohhhh, back on sucking that titty!!!
    South virgin City
    The smell of black gin just put my spine
    Oh Suck a big titty!
    Oh don't lean on me man, cuz she ain't n
    gonna suck on your tittie
    somethin concieted
    "I'm a lean hungry man who ain't got tim
    Something to sit in
    The smell of that chick just put my spin
    The smell of fat chicks just wiped the s
    Oh don't be a hungry man cause you can't
    "Don't lean on me man if you can't affor
    I`m back from suffrage at City.
    This matter-of-fact chick just put my sp
    On top of sin city
    you're a green army man and I'm a califo
    this big ole fat chick just put my spine
    Another fat chick just put my spine out
    Sausage in the city
    I've got a stain on my face, the smell o
    The smell of fat chicks just put my spin
    This mallow-fat chick just put my spine
    I'm back from Salt Lake, jet city
    The smell of fried chicken put my spine
    The small of fat chicks has put my spine
    There's no fat chicks just put my spine
    "Wham Bam Hanky Man"
    The smell of that chick just took the sm
    The smell of that chick just took the sm
    She can't afford the chicken, back in Su
    Let me suck on your titty
    The smell of black chicks just puts my s
    the smell of that chick just put my spin
    ''its not what your thinkin' ''
    The smell of fat chicks just put a spy o
    This mellow fat chick just put my spine
    The smell of fat chicks just put my spin
    Ah don't lean on me man, cause you can't
    I got string on my face, this yellow fat
    Oh don't lean on me man 'cause you ain't
    Something Jesse said
    Don't lean on me man, 'cause you're Cali
    My sandhich is in 'ere (here)
    The smell of that chick just put a smile

    Other Songs by David Bowie

    Aladdin Sane
    All The Young Dudes
    Ashes to Ashes
    Because You're Young
    Black Country Rock
    China Girl
    Cracked Actor
    Diamond Dogs
    Did you ever have a dream
    Drive-In Saturday
    Eight Line Poem
    Golden Years
    I'm Afraid of Americans
    Jean Genie
    Let's Dance
    Life on Mars
    Magic Dance
    Major Tom
    Memory of a Free Festival
    Modern Love
    Moonage Daydream
    Oh, You Pretty Things
    Panic In Detroit
    Rebel, Rebel
    Slow Burn
    Soul Love
    Space Oddity
    Station To Station
    Sweet Thing
    The Next Day
    This Is Not America
    Time Will Crawl
    Young Americans
    Ziggy Stardust

    Funniest Misheards by David Bowie