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    "Man In The Mirror" Funny Misheard Song Lyrics

    by Michael Jackson

    Did you or a friend mishear a lyric from "Man In The Mirror" by Michael Jackson? Click here and tell us!

    Misheard "Man In The Mirror" Lyrics

    I'm stuck with the man in the mirror. I'
    No messmidge could have been any clearer
    As I turned up my collar bone, my favori
    I'm stalking up the man in the mirror I'
    Im stalking the man in the mirror im ask
    I'm stalking up the man in the mirror I'
    No meth labs gonna mend any quiver
    Nothing could have been any clibber
    I spotted something red in the mirror...
    No Moustache Gonna Bend any Clipper.
    and no message could prevent any killer
    No moustache could offend any kipper
    No moustache could offend Andy Griffith
    No message could've been Andy Cliver
    No message could have been any glibber.
    And no mustache could have been any clea
    I'm starting with the man in the middle,
    As I, Turn up my collar bone, My favou
    And no Mustang has a bance and a cliver.
    I'm looking for the man in the middle, I
    no moustash for the man in the cliva
    I'm starting with the man in the mirror,
    I'm starting with the man in the mirror
    And no mustache gonna make any differenc
    I'm starting with the man in the mirror
    i'm starting with the man in the mirrow,
    And no moustache for the man in the mirr
    And no mustache could have been and clev
    And no moustache could have been any cle
    And no mustache could make a man any cle
    And no moustache gonna bend any clipper
    As i tuned up with my coat on, my bagel
    I'm starting with the man with the limit
    I'm talking about the stand and deliver
    As I turned up the collar bone, my baby
    No mustache could bend and or quiver

    Other Songs by Michael Jackson

    Beat It
    Billie Jean
    Black or White
    Dirty Diana
    Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
    Earth Song
    Free Willy
    Get on the Floor
    Give In To Me
    Heal The World
    Human Nature
    Just Another Part of Me
    Liberian Girl
    Little Susie
    Love Never Felt So Good
    Off The Wall
    Remember the Time
    Rockin Robin
    Say Say Say
    Shake Your Body Down To The Ground
    Slave to the Rhythm
    Smooth Criminal
    Speed Demon
    Stranger In Moscow
    The Girl Is Mine
    The Lady in my Life
    The Way You Make Me Feel
    This Is It
    Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
    We Are The World
    Who Is It
    Why You Wanna Trip On Me
    Will You Be There
    You Are Not Alone

    Funniest Misheards by Michael Jackson